Monday, June 9, 2008


Yeah, so the whole renting a house idea? Not so great. B commented the other day that he felt like we were back in college, not caring where we lived. That would be true, except we do care where we live. A lot. So much so that we want to live in a house with air conditioning. There are so many issues with this house that we've begun to accept them, which is not a good thing. But, yesterday? In Pennsylvania? The high was 94. And? Today? The high is supposed to be 99. And we have no AC. We were officially off of the chart yesterday, as our thermometer only goes up to 90 and we were well past that. B, in an uncommon show of not-caring-what-he-had-to-do-and-just-doing-it went out to the Depot and bought us a brand spankin' new window air conditioner that he installed, not without some anguish in the 94 degree sauna that was our bedroom. We dragged A's mattress in here and had a cozy little slumber party last night. Cozy.